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It seems the future of Linhai City, the Japanese only fall into the hands of the Japanese fleet in front of a huge, Lin City is also the not insignificant to contend with. Japanese military space power in the world has a leading level, thanks to the ghd iv styler advanced robotic manufacturing technology and dominated the space ambitions, it is mainly supported cheap jordan shoes by the U.S. Star Wars program of technical support, Japan's decade of space strength of priority development, formulated the " Japanese plan " ! " Japan Plan " is a very ambitious plan of the universe resource hegemony, Japan to the plan put a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to enable the program in target detection, kinetic energy weapons, including missile interceptors, Skynet defensive weapons and electromagnetic rail guns, etc., directed energy weapons such as chemical excitation lasers, free electron lasers, particle beam weapons, and X- ray lasers, and space-based energy carrier fleet, operational management and strategic defense systems and other aspects of countermeasures conducted extensive research and has made a series of major technological breakthrough.

The Imperial Japanese Army is the strongest military power, ghd MK4 both individual operations, but also joint action. Headquarters located on the space carrier. Warfighters distributed among spacecraft. There are some skirmishing, maneuvering spacecraft can take away space base, alone in space combat mission. Space carrier is also equipped with rocket missiles, atomic head, laser guns, beam directed energy weapons. Spaceplane play attack missions, this is a battle from the operational command to security, system integrity, a complete range of major combat units.

Bomb two minutes to reach the target ! Bad bomb appeared in front of metal wall ! It was rumored particle weapons, bomb ghd online sudden it does not break the blockade ! Fierce winds bomb looked away, helplessly: ghd online have tried ! At this time the Japanese space fighter immediately besieged the city away from the woodlands away, displayed on the monitor in front of a vast network of invisible hood over, and that is the power of kinetic energy weapons ! Kinetic energy weapons generally refers to the electromagnetic rail gun and supersonic shells, but they are not routinely used in artillery shells, but the metal particles !


