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raised more brilliant some, appeared in front of the face Xu heart condition is also very helpless, your mind a move slightly, eyes raised a smile in a more concentrated, this situation appears also really need to think about good thoughts, gently smiled mouth raised smile some more full-bodied, this situation really have so little meaning, your mind a move slightly, mouth Raising smiles are more brilliant, and if it really can reach a certain limit it is really cool YY, the mind of a slight movement, raised eye in a more brilliant smile some, the meaning of which is also really need to think about good thoughts, your mind a move slightly, eyes in concentration smile more, faced with this situation can only be said Xu extreme silent, a slight smile, smile mouth raised and more concentrated, the face of this situation is really ponder the need for good, your mind a move slightly, mouth smile also raised some more brilliant, facing the situation in front of Xu also said very silent, slightly smiled mouth raised and more brilliant smile, the entire front of the case is very clear rationale the importance of a dynamic mind slightly, mouth raised and more brilliant smile, which is good shamisen really worth pondering a move slightly mind, mouth Raising smiles are more concentrated, this situation in addition to silent or silent, gently smiled mouth raised and more brilliant smile some, this situation really have so sort of meaning, slightly mind a move, their eyes are more in Lengmang concentrated, this situation really worth consider good thoughts, the thought of these, Xu eye in Hanmang some will be more concentrated, the idea is very interesting, gently smiled, eyes in the cold Mans more concentrated some, this situation really worth consider good thoughts, your mind a move slightly, mouth Raising smiles have become more brilliant, this one really deserves good mystery also ponder ponder, slightly mind a move, the eye is also more concentrated Lengmang some of which are really good flavor ponder ponder, Xu also does not rule out the possibility this is a conspiracy, mind slight movement, eye the smile is more concentrated, so the situation is really worth Xu consider good thoughts, mouth Raising smiles have become more brilliant, which is really worth the shamisen is also good food for thought, this is Xu hearts of most realistic idea, not sloppy, do not be sloppy, your mind a move slightly, mouth raised and more brilliant smile, is this really what which also is not a mystery, slightly mind a move, the eye becomes more brilliant smile, the present situation is also really worth good thoughts, your mind a move slightly, mouth raised more brilliant smile as if some, this one is also really worth a good shamisen the ponder, a move slightly, mouth Raising smiles are more concentrated, which are really worth the shamisen good food for thought, this one is really worth the shamisen consider good thoughts, Xu mind a move, mouth Young smile played some more concentrated, which also really worth good thoughts, gently smiled mouth raised smiles have become more brilliant, mind slight movement, eye of Lengmang also more concentrated, so that the situation appeared in front of Xu also extremely silent, gently smiled mouth raised smiles are more concentrated, the eye has become more brilliant smile, this situation occurs also consider really worth good thoughts, smiled slightly, the eye has become more brilliant smile, which it is worth pondering the shamisen, a move slightly mind, mouth smile becomes raised more brilliant, slightly smiled, raised mouth smile, smile mouth raised more full-bodied, gently smiled, eyes in the fly has become more brilliant smile, a slight smile smile, gently smiled mouth raised and more brilliant smile, gently smiled, eyes the smile more brilliant, slightly smiled, gently smiled, as if Rong Xia mouth more full-bodied, slightly smiled, raised mouth smile seemed to be more full-bodied, mouth smile seems to 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